
Sunday 29 December 2013

Christmas day.

Hello again, today I'm gonna talk about the Christmas day in my family this year. But first I'm gonna talk about the story of Christmas. 

Christmas is an annual commemoration of the birthday of Jesus Christ, a cultural holiday, and a holiday season celebrated on December 25 by millions of people around the world. The Jesus Christ's birthday is the december 25 in the Julian calendar, but is the january 7 in the Gregorian calendar, and it's celebrated that day for other religions. 

Well, what we do is to get together in my home, and eat a lot of different things like: ham, fish etc... We get together at lunch time, and each one brings some food. After lunch, we have to sing some Christmas carols, and all my uncles give to me and my coussins some money. Later, we have an afternoon snack, we drink some coffee and we eat nougat, cake and bonbons. When all my uncles and coussins leave my home, we clean all the house and we throw out all the leftovers.
And this is my Christmas day every year. 

Friday 27 December 2013

Christmas eve.

Hello everybody, today I'm going to talk about my christmas eve. I really love christmas, so I really love to talk about it. 

Well, in my family we're 60 people, so in christmas eve we go to the hotel Las Arenas, every year. In my family, we leave home at 18:00 o'clock, and when we arrive at the hotel, the first we do is going to the spa. Later, we take a shower and we make up for the dinner. We dinner a lot of dishes. When we get finished the dinner, we have the Secret Santa, and latter we have a party with a lot of music and an open bar in the hotel. Later, we go to sleep and we leave the hotel at the morning. 

Tuesday 27 August 2013

The Ghost of Genny Castle.

Hello everybody. This summer, I read a book. The name of this book is: "The Ghost of Genny Castle". The writer is John Escott. The book is level two.

There are 3 principal characters: The aunt Min, Claire, and the old Walter Burge.

The story is about one girl named Claire who go to the house of her aunt Min on Christmas holiday, because her parents go to New Zeland. In the travel, she saw a castle. Nobody wants to talk about that castle, because they think there are a ghost into the castle. And she wants to know the mistery. She saw a book in the library, and the book has stories about the castle. The story in the book is about a witch. The witch was burned in the castle, and the ghost is there. Later, she will know the real story about the Genny castle. 

I liked the book because is a book about mistery, and I like that books. I think is a good book, and it's not hard to read, it is very easy. My favorite character in the book is Claire, because she's inteligent and curious. 

The author, John Escott writes books for students and young people. He was born in a small country town in Somerset, in the south-west of England. Now he lives in Bournemouth, by the sea. He's married and has two children. When he is not writing, he likes walking and he plays music. He has another books like: Detective Work and Money to Burn. 

I could not find webs about John Escott, I'm sorry. That's it. Bye!

Monday 26 August 2013

My summer.

Hi! Now, I'm going to talk about my summer. My summer wasn't very interesting. I didn't travel to any place out of Spain. In july, I went to a summer school and I met a lot of people. It was okay. Later, I went to a summer camp with Silvia and Mar. That was the best part of the summer! It was awesome. And when the camp finish, I went to Denia. Silvia cames with me for 3 days. We did a lot of things. We went to Aqualandia, and to the boat of my coussins. Later, when Silvia goes home, Marina cames to Denia. And we did a lot of things too. I enjoy a lot my summer! But I would have preferred to travel. Bye!


Wednesday 26 June 2013


Hi everybody!
Today, I'm going to talk about my favorite sport. 
My favorite sport is longboard. Longboard is similar to skateboard, but longboard is bigger than skateboard and longboard have bigger wheels. I use longboard all the weeks I can. I like to  do slides and other tricks. 
My longboard mark is Z-Flex. The makers of my Z-Flex, start to do Z-Flex in the 76's. 
Normaly, the mark Z-Flex, make little longboards, but the last year, they start to make this normal longboard. They named 76's, because they create the mark in the 76's. I have a great time doing longboard. I love it!! 

Friday 14 June 2013

Germany 2013.

Today, I'm going to talk about the European comite in Qüackenbruck, Germany. It was very nice, funny and interesting because we meet with a lot of people of different countries like: France, Denmark, Holand... 

We did a lot of funny activities in the town, we did a BBQ party, we visit Osnabrück, we did a disco party the first day, and more funny things. 

The comite, was about the peace and the basket. So the name was: "EuroPAXquet". People of different countries around Europe played basketball in different teams. Each school, did a video about the peace, or a video with photos, or a theatral scenes about what is the peace.

The last day, my class and me went to Düsseldorf for shopping, but, it was sunday and we can't buy anything. The city was very beautiful, we did a lot of photos in the city. 
The last night, we spend a joke for the boys of my class. They showed that they love us.

The plane was very good. Some people was scared but it was okay.

 The german people who welcomed us was very nice, i laugh a lot with my german girl, and, in my opinion, I enjoy it very much, because it was a very good experience. 

And that's all. Good bye!!

Friday 29 March 2013

My Mr.Right.

Hello, I'm going to talk about my Mr.Right. His name is Colton Haynes. He's a famous actor and a famous model. He is 24 years old. He's from Kansas, USA. 

He has frendly green eyes. I love his lovely and beautiful smile, he smiles a lot, and i like that. He is very strong, and he have a very big six pack. He's tall and he is an active boy because he do sports, he loves to run. He have brown short hair (i love so much his hair). He's very atractive.

He is very friendly and overprotective. He have a big sense of humor, he's nice and funny. He have a easy character. You can laugh with him very much. I think he's perfect.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Why is good to see films in Original Version?

Hello, I'm going to talk about to see films in original version.

That's good because you learn more english (or another lenguage) pronunciate and you learn to reed more fast in your lenguage. If you see films in original version from you're a kid, you learn to reed faster if you see in your lenguage. And is better because when you're an adult you know a lot of lenguages, not perfect, but you learn more. In Finland the children have the television in original version for all, and when they're kids, they learn more. The 2% of the Tailand children leave the school, and in the school, they don't have fences because they don't leak. The people in Spain don't see films in original version because they think is so difficult and that have an effort.

I think is better to see films in original version with subtitles and is not a effort. When you have a lot of time seeing films in original version, is too easy. I know because i see Gossip Girl and Awkward in O.V.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Valentine's day poster.

Hi! This thursday is Valentine's day, and i did a poster for the day. I put too a song from the band "Linkin Park" named "Valentine's day". I hope you like it!

Monday 11 February 2013


Hi, I'm Juana and I'm going to talk about the celebration "Carnival". 

Carnival is a celebration in which you need to have a costume and you're walking and dancing on the street. Carnival is in february. The most important Carnival in the world is celebrate on Venecia (Italy), and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). This celebration have more than 5.000 years. Carnival is related with catholicism, and in the 15 century, the Spanish people taught to the American people. 

In Escuela 2 we celebrate Carnival. Normally, three days before the party, the Carnival king, send us a card. And we do, three days, what he wants to do with us. The day of Carnival, we have a costume, and the Carnival king give us candies. If you don't have a costume, the Carnival king strip flour to you. We have costume presentations, and Carnival costume awards. I love that party, is funny and nice. 

I think Carnival is a funny and nice celebration because I love dresses. 

I search the information on wikipedia.

The Cheshire's cat was living very happy in Wonderland, with the White Queen, Alice and more people. But he felt so bored, the rutine was bored, so one day, he decided to runaway from Wonderland. The Cheshire's cat have gone only once, and he don't remember a lot. The only he remember was the green pastures around the White's rabbit burrow. But the times had changed. All had changed. And he did not think the exterior world were the same. He remembered, he gone out 100 years ago, and he thought all were the same, but is wasn't. That same day, stole the key of the little door and he ran away from Wonderland. He climbed the burrow, it was taller than he remember, and two minutes later, he was in the real world. It wasn't like he remember, mainly because it wasn't a burrow, it was a sewer. When he were outside, a car almost hit him. He saw posters on the walls and a lot of noise. Then he knew he was in New York. 

This is a photo of my last carnival. I was dressed as a Cheshire's cat. My friends was dressed as a gothic people. 

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Billy Budd.

Hi, i'm Juana and i'm going to introduce my book. I've been reading a book at christmas. The name of this book is Billy Budd. The autor is Herman Melville. 

Some of Herman Melville. He was an American. He was born on 1819, in New York City. From the age of fifteen, Herman had meny different jobs. He worked in a bank. He worked on ships. He was teacher in a school. He worked on a ship called Acushnet. It sailed to the Pacific Ocean. After adventures in the Pacific islands, he sailed on a ship named: The United States. This ship belonged to the US Navy. He lived a lot of adventures and writed a lot of stories. In 1863 he went back to New York City. He worked in a govenment until he died. He died on 1891. He was 72 years old.

Some of Herman Melville's stories.

Typee (1846), Omoo (1847), Mardi (1849), Redburn (1849), White jacket (1850), Moby-Dick 1851). Billy Budd was he last story. It was published in 1924, 33 years after Melville's death.

The characters of this book are: 

Capitain Edward Vere, Lieutenant Ratcliffe, William (Billy) Budd, John Claggart, Dansker, Squeak, Albert.

The story is about: 

In 1797 Britian and France are in war. British warships are fighting French warships. Edward Vere is the capitan of a British warship. Billy Budd arrives on the British warship. Billy is strong and handsome. Most of the sailors on the ship like Billy. But he has an enemy: John Claggart, he is the master at arms. John hates Billy, and he has a plain He will make a trouble for the sailor.

Bibliography: Wikipedia, Official page of Herman Melville.